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Strategic plan for a 100% green city

J Judy Garrett  •  2024-10-04  •  4 comments
Strategic plan for a 100% green city
Strategic plan for a 100% green city

Proposal code: DEMO-2024-10-1

We want a city that does not dawn with a cloud of grey pollution, that bets on sustainability, promotes renewables and ensures that no family is cut off the light this winter.

How do we want to do it? Asking the City Council to commit to sign the manifesto "SUSTAINABLE CITY" and to implement it -- We demand compliance with the following 14 points:

  • Develop awareness campaigns, training and promotion of energy culture in all areas of the city.
  • To contract municipal electricity with a 100% renewable guarantee of origin.
  • Establish a transversal work team for the preparation, execution and monitoring of strategic plans.
  • Facilitate the obtaining on a regular basis of the energy and economic data necessary for its management.
  • Design and implement energy efficiency actions in municipal facilities prioritizing changes in habits to eliminate wasteful consumption. The savings achieved by changing habits will be invested, in part or in full, in new energy efficiency measures.
  • Implement energy efficiency programmes in educational centres, such as the 50/50 project -- consisting of returning 50% of the savings to the school and reverting the other half to new savings, efficiency and renewable measures in the same centre.
  • Apply measures to combat energy poverty: processing of the social bond, etc.
  • Design and execute all new constructions or municipal works with criteria of almost zero energy consumption.
  • Implement sustainable mobility actions: promotion of public transport, use of sustainable vehicles, pedestrianisation of streets, etc.
  • Design a plan to gradually replace the entire fleet of vehicles dedicated to public transport and municipal vehicles with electric vehicles.
  • Establish fiscal measures to promote energy efficiency and renewable energies.
  • Revise municipal by-laws to favour self-sufficient energy systems based on renewable energies.
  • Generate a sustainable urban model by stopping speculative processes.
  • Make a sustainable management of Urban Solid Waste.
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  • D

    I love this proposal. I'm going to contribute by telling my friends about it.

    5 votes  | 
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    • S

      It is a very necessary proposal. It is only necessary to look at the latest IPCC panel reports to see the dramatic situation the planet is going through.

      4 votes  | 
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      • C

        What are the last global numbers on the issue?

        3 votes  | 
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        • J

          Great including "Establish a transversal work team for the preparation, execution and monitoring of strategic plans." But it should be defined how this team decide its members

          3 votes  | 
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          This proposal has no notifications.
          Don't have defined milestones