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Ordinance regulating the holding and protection of animals.

You're seeing draft version

updated at 05 Oct 2024
Table of contents


Article 1: Subject matter and scope

The purpose of this Ordinance is to establish those requirements that may be demanded in the municipality, for the keeping of pets, and also those used for lucrative purposes, sports and recreation, in order to achieve, on the one hand, the proper conditions of health and safety for the environment and, on the other, adequate protection of animals.

Article 2: Regulatory framework

The holding and protection of animals in the municipality of Madrid shall be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, as well as the Epizootics Law of 20 December 1952, Law 1/1990 on the Protection of Animals, and Law 1/1990 on the Protection of Animals.

Domestic Animals, the Law 2/1991 of Protection of the Fauna and Wild Flora of the Community, and other regulations that can be for him of application.

Article 3: Definitions

  1. Pet: is maintained by man, mainly in his home, for pleasure and pleasure. company, without constituting the object of any lucrative activity.

  2. Domestic animal of exploitation: it is the one that, adapted to the human environment, is maintained by the man. for profit or otherwise, and may in no case constitute a danger to persons or property.

  3. Wild pet animal: is that belonging to the native or foreign fauna, which has required a period of adaptation to the human environment and that is maintained by man, mainly in his home, by the pleasure and company, without being the object of any lucrative activity.

  4. Stray animal or animal of unknown owner: is the one that does not have known owner, or circulates freely by the without the company of a responsible person.

  5. Abandoned animal: an animal that, being identified, circulates freely on the public road without being accompanied. of a responsible person, and without a report of their loss or theft by the owner.

  6. Identified animal: is an animal that bears a marking system recognized as official by the authorities. and is registered in the corresponding register.

  7. Potentially dangerous animal: is a domestic or wild pet animal which, independently of its of its aggressiveness, and by its morphological and racial characteristics (size, power of jaw, etc.) has ability to cause serious or fatal injury to persons. This consideration shall also be given to animals which have had episodes of attacks and/or aggressions on humans or animals, trained dogs for the attack or the defense, as well as those that are determined by regulation.

  8. Guide dog: is the one who is accredited as trained in national or foreign centers recognized, to accompany, drive and help the visually impaired.

9.-Guardian dog: is that kept by man for purposes of surveillance and custody of people and / or goods, characterized by its strong and potentially aggressive nature, and by the need for strong control and a strong learning for obedience, must be over six months of age. To all intents and purposes, dogs guardians will be considered potentially dangerous.


Chapter I . Of domestic and wild pet animals

Article 4: Conditions for keeping animals

  1. In general, the keeping of pets in private homes is authorised, provided that the conditions of their accommodation allow it, and the absence of hygienic and sanitary risks for their environment is guaranteed. In any case, in the case of dogs and cats, their total number may not exceed the five animals without the corresponding authorization of the competent services of the City council.

  2. The owner or holder of an animal will be obliged to provide it with suitable accommodation, maintain it in good hygienic-sanitary conditions, provide it with the food and drink necessary for its normal development, subject it to the curative or palliative veterinary treatments that it may require, as well as complying with current regulations related to the prevention and eradication of zoonoses, carrying out any preventive treatment that is declared obligatory.

  3. The owner or holder of an animal shall take the necessary measures to prevent the possession, possession or circulation of the same can instill fear, pose a danger or threat, or cause discomfort to people.

  4. The owner or holder of an animal may not use it for begging, even if begging is disguised. Article 5: Documentation

  5. The owner or holder of an animal must make available to the competent authority, at the time when requested, the documentation required in each case.

  6. If it is not presented at the time of the request, it shall have a period of 10 calendar days to submit it to the corresponding municipal agency. Once this period has elapsed, the animal will be considered as lacking documentation for all purposes.

  7. In the event of theft or loss of the obligatory documentation of an animal, the owner or holder must apply for the corresponding duplicate within 3 working days of its disappearance.

Article 6 : Responsibilities

  1. The owner or holder of an animal shall be liable for damages and inconveniences caused to people, property and the environment in general.

  2. All dog owners are obliged to take out civil liability insurance, for the amount determined by regulation, within one month from the identification of the same. The formalization of this insurance will be prior to obtaining the required municipal license in the following cases animals, whether or not belonging to the canine species, which are classified as potentially dangerous.

  3. Responsible for the commission of acts constituting a breach of this Ordinance, the owners, owners or holders of pets, as well as those persons who, in any capacity, are habitually concerned with their care, feeding and / or custody, if such animals are not identified.
